Rules And Regulations
St. Margaret Convent SchoolGood Discipline We wish our school to be a happy, caring and well-ordered community and so a high standard of behavior is expected. We aim to maintain this standard by being consistent in our expectations, setting a good example to the children, encouraging them to develop an awareness of others and teaching them to exercise self control. Your child will be encouraged to look towards their class teacher in times of need. Behavioral problems are monitored closely. We endeavor to find the reasons for such behavior and try to help children to overcome them. The disciplining of individual children depends on the seriousness of their behavior and is set in the context of the firm, but caring, atmosphere of the school. We have a number of school rules of which children will be reminded of from time to time. These are designed to ensure a safe and orderly school environment. If a child’s behaviour is continuously spoiling the happy school atmosphere and is a cause for concern, the parent/career will be invited to discuss the situation, from which a joint action plan will be developed to help improve the behavior.
Anti-bullying Code Bullying is not a serious problem in our school community. We believe this is due to the operation of our anti-bullying code. Every pupil in this school has the right to enjoy her/his learning and leisure free from intimidation, both in the school and in the surrounding community.
• Our school community will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks, even if these were not intended to hurt.
• Any repeated unkind action or comment will be called bullying.
• Pupils should support each other by reporting all instances of bullying.
• Bullying will be dealt with seriously.
• We are a ‘telling’ school – bullying is too important not to report. Children are encourage telling a member of staff, a friend, or their parents, if anything is happening to them that they are unhappy about.
• We talk about bullying on special Anti-bullying Days. Where a pattern of bullying is detected early involvement of parents is sought to reinforce the values of the school.
Absence and Holidays :
- Frequent absenteeism is not granted.
- 75% attendance is mandatory. Students must carry supportive documents incase of 2 days consecutive leave.
- Parents must write a short note, in the school diary, for every absent of students. Monthly attendance of students shall be forwarded to the parents for verification, must be signed.